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I. Introduction
What is your occupation?
Actress, comedian, television producer, director, screenwriter, author, and macadamia nut collective farmer
Where are you from?
I grew up in a working-class Jewish family in Salt Lake City. I currently live in Hawaii.
Briefly describe your educational background, any past political campaigns, and any work you’ve done as an activist.
I’m self-educated. Barbara Ehrenreich called me a working-class spokesperson representing “the hopeless underclass of the female sex: polyester-clad, overweight occupants of the slow track; fast-food waitresses, factory workers, housewives, members of the invisible pink-collar army; the despised, the jilted, the underpaid.” I brought working class issues to millions of viewers weekly for nine years. I always refuse to use the term “blue collar” because it masks the issue of class.
My entire life has been one activist campaign for justice, peace, and freedom. I have incorporated these values into every aspect of my professional and personal life.