C. T. Weber of Sacramento is running for California State Assembly from District 9 on the Peace and Freedom Party slate.
Occupation: Retired State Government Analyst and mid-level Union leader and activist
Qualifications: C. T. Weber was a long time union organizer, steward, and elected leader (including four two-year terms on the California State Employees Association, Board of Directors). I worked 22 years as an analyst for the State of California. As SEIU Local 1000, District Labor Council 784 president, I served on the SEIU Local 1000 State Council and was a delegate to the Sacramento Central Labor Council.
My education includes a Bachelor’s degree in History and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from California State University, Long Beach. I have been active in the peace, and social and economic justice movements for over 40 years. I founded several alternative institutions including the Long Beach Free Clinic, soup kitchen for the unemployed and a crash pad for the homeless.
A member of the State Assembly introduces legislation. I would advocate and vote for; the preservation of social programs, cuts to the prison system, and shifting the burden of taxation to those who get wealthy off the system; I would advocate and vote against offshore oil drilling; and I would advocate and vote to reduce student fees.
California is in an economic freefall. In fact, some 77% of California voters think the state is on the wrong track. Only 14% think the state is on the right track. Some 68% of Americans want a third party. However, with candidates allowed to win with a simple plurality of the vote in districts where only one candidate can win, voters are afraid that if they vote for the candidate they prefer that it will allow the “greater evil” to be elected. Don’t put up with it. You want reform of the corrupt election system, if given the opportunity; I will introduce and vote for fundamental changes in order to bring about real democracy. You want strong labor laws, as a job steward and elected union leader for over twenty years I will introduce and support bills that will help working people.
If you elect me to the California State Assembly I will work to bring the California National Guard home to be available for emergencies in California. I will also insist that the California legislature pressure Congress for an immediate withdrawal of all U. S. troops and contractors from Iraq and Afghanistan and bring them home.
Other Issues: I want the minimum wage to be doubled and tied to the cost of living. I support a universal, high quality single payer health care system. I support free, high quality education from pre-schools through technical schools and universities. I believe everyone has the right to marry. I have actively opposed the death penalty for years and will continue to work to see that it is abolished. I will also work to end the three strikes laws.
- May 26, 2012, Lodi News profile, 9th Assembly District: C.T. Weber, Peace and Freedom Party
- March 6, 2012, Elk Grove Citizen news article, Six now in race for Assembly seat