The following brief introduction was provided by the Barr campaign.
Roseanne Barr is not only known for portraying a strong, reality-based, working class woman in her groundbreaking sitcom, Roseanne; she is also recognized as an outspoken advocate for working people and all under-represented Americans and their eroding rights for more than two decades.
Now, Roseanne is channeling her energies into a run for the Presidency that is rallying the interest and involvement of supporters from all walks and stages of life and from all fifty States. She is using her recognition with the public to passionately and persistently speak on behalf of unions, women and their issues in the workplace as well as their reproductive rights, single-payer health care, homeowners facing foreclosure, active Service People and veterans, and the rights of LGBT Americans. She speaks and writes equally forcefully against the reckless dominance of the Financial Industry on our Economy, and calls for the nationalization of banks and The Federal Reserve. Roseanne opposes the two wars that are supposedly necessary to our security but that go on forever and stink of profiteering. They have drained our treasury of funds that we are told are not there for essential social programs.
A vote for Barr in 2012 is a vote against the destructive and failed War on Drugs and the corruption it breeds. Roseanne agrees with a long and growing list of qualified experts that a sane drug policy in our nation would responsibly regulate trade, generate vast revenues, and unburden Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice system by eliminating the Black Market and its attendant horrors. Roseanne is committed to fighting against racial profiling, and she works to focus needed attention on the Prison Industrial Complex and its seminal role in our creeping culture of slave labor and the race to the bottom.
As the nation watches Roseanne rolling out her platform on talk shows and news programs and delivering speeches in front of the White House and at Zuccotti Park on Day One of Occupy Wall Street, Americans can see, undeniably, that not being a slickly polished career politician is in no way a liability in this Election year. In fact, it’s a substantive asset, because Barr’s plain-spoken proposals for solving the problems we face resonate with so many people who justifiably feel shut out or let down by the gridlocked duopoly and the canned rhetoric it dispenses.
Roseanne spends much of her time in Hawaii where she is living and promoting a sustainable lifestyle that incorporates organic farming, water catchment and a meatless diet. She shares her garden produce with people in need, and enjoys being an active and contributing member of the Big Island community.