In the June primary election, each candidate for President is entitled to submit a statement of up to 250 words to the Secretary of State, who publishes them on her website. Because Roseanne Barr became a candidate after the primary, her statement is one she would have submitted if she had been on the primary ballot.
I am running for President of the United States, because the so-called “two-party system” in this country prevents our government from representing the people and allows it to represent big money instead. I stand for the rights and interests of working people over the narrow interest of private profit.
Most people in this country believe that everyone should have access to health care and education. Access should not be decided by the profit of insurance companies and other private institutions. But the politicians in our government currently serve their donors instead of voters. I want people to vote outside the box that perpetuates wars, gives our public funds to the banks, and destroys our economy and environment. Say NO to wholesale theft and YES to a government for the people.
We have to start building alternatives now instead of submitting, time after time, to the threat of a “greater evil.” Remember that both evils have been doing the same evils once in office.
Through my TV show, I reached ordinary people with messages of empowerment and resistance through fun and humor. As a candidate, I am again reaching people to ask them to vote outside the dominant parties and start building alternatives that represent the people. The Peace & Freedom Party has been one of those alternatives for 45 years. Vote for me and support a new wave of politics beyond the tired old game.
Socialism – it’s not just for Wall Street, military contractors, or Congress anymore, but all Americans!