Meet 2012 candidates C. T. Weber, Marsha Feinland, Stewart Alexander, Stephen Durham and Peta Lindsay at an event hosted by the Sacramento County Peace and Freedom Party on April 16, 2012.
Tag: Peta Lindsay
Presidential Candidate Peta Lindsay

Peta Lindsay of Los Angeles, California is one of five candidates for the Peace and Freedom Party Presidential nomination. She is the nominee of the Party For Socialism and Liberation. Her campaign website is here.
The Secretary of State refuses to put Lindsay’s name on the Peace and Freedom Party primary ballot. We joined her and her supporters in an unsuccessful (so far) lawsuit to get her on the ballot. But she will be a candidate at the State Convention, which is not bound by the results of the preference primary.
Peta Lindsay’s Voter Guide Statement
Each candidate for President is entitled to submit a statement of up to 250 words to the Secretary of State, who publishes them on her website. Because Peta Lindsay is being excluded from the primary election ballot (see these articles for details), her statement is the one she would have submitted if she could have.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation’s Lindsay/Osorio 2012 presidential campaign stands for socialism. Capitalism is a corrupt, bankrupt system that only benefits the super-rich, the 1%.
This is the richest country in history. Working people create all of the wealth, but we do not get to enjoy it. Instead, our tax money funds the U.S. war machine, bank bailouts and huge tax breaks for the corporations.
A socialist government would institute programs to eliminate poverty and homelessness, ensure jobs with a real living wage, free education, free health care and day care and access to healthy food as rights. It would make the highest priority eliminating institutionalized racism, bigotry and inequalities. Police brutality and mass incarcerations would be ended. Citizenship would automatically be granted to all people living in the United States. Access to contraception and abortion would be guaranteed. Equality would be realized for women and LGBT people.
The Pentagon and all U.S. military bases would be dismantled. Relations with the peoples of the world would be established on the basis of solidarity and friendship.
Socialism can only be achieved by a mass people’s movement that ends the dictatorship of Wall Street. Join us in building that movement!
Peta Lindsay Responds to Questions
This documented can also be downloaded as a pdf.
What is your occupation? Where are you from?
I was born in Virginia and moved at a young age to Philadelphia.
I spent much of my childhood living in North Philadelphia, in a Black working class neighborhood that suffered from extreme poverty and police repression. As a middle school student, I became an organizer with the Philadelphia Student Union, a citywide group struggling against racism and for increased funding for Philadelphia public schools.
After moving to Washington, D.C., I graduated from School Without Walls High School (class of 2002) and then Howard University (class of 2008).
I currently live in Los Angeles where I am pursuing a master’s degree in teaching from the University of Southern California with the goal of becoming a public school teacher.
List All Candidates for Peace and Freedom Primary
For 36 years, the California Secretary of State has listed the all of the candidates on the ballots for small party presidential primaries. However, in this presidential election, Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State, has excluded two of the Peace and Freedom Party’s four candidates. She also excluded some of the American Independent Party’s candidates from their primary ballot. [Note: an earlier version of this article said “Libertarian Party” rather than “American Independent Party”. We regret the error.]
For more information, see this press release.
We call on Secretary of State Bowen to list all four of our declared presidential candidates–Stephen Durham, Stewart Alexander, Peta Lindsay, and Rocky Anderson–on our primary ballot.
Click here to sign the following petition:
To Secretary of State Debra Bowen: List all the declared candidates for the Peace and Freedom Party presidential nomination--Stephen Durham, Stewart Alexander, Peta Lindsay, and Rocky Anderson--on their primary ballot.
Please sign the petition Click here:
Thank you.