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Category: Eugene Ruyle
The Peace and Freedom Party supports Eugene Ruyle in the 15th State Assembly District. For a map of the district, see the bottom of this page.
Assembly Candidate Calls for UC Regent Blum’s Resignation
For Immediate Release
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Date: Thursday, October 4, 2012
Eugene Ruyle
Candidate for State Assembly, 15th District
Peace and Freedom Party
cuyleruyle – at –
6603 Whitney Street, Oakland, CA 94609
State Assembly Candidate and University of California graduate Eugene Ruyle called for the resignation of UC Regent Richard C. Blum. Candidate Ruyle timed his call to coincide with the Blum Center for Developing Economies Open House on Friday and Saturday, October 5 & 6, part of Cal’s Homecoming.
Assemblymember Skinner Forces Debate Cancellation
For Immediate Release
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Eugene Ruyle
Candidate for State Assembly, 15th District
Peace and Freedom Party
cuyleruyle – at –
6603 Whitney Street, Oakland, CA 94609
The League of Women Voters of Oakland (LWVO) was forced to cancel its Forum for Candidates for 15th Assembly District due to incumbent Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner’s refusal to participate. The Forum was to have included both of the “Top Two” candidates, incumbent Skinner and challenger Eugene Ruyle of the Peace and Freedom Party. Originally scheduled for Sept 6, the event was re-scheduled to Oct 2 because Skinner was not available for the earlier date. LWVO’s procedures require that both candidates participate in a two candidate forum.
Eugene Ruyle for 15th Assembly District
The following statement was provided by the candidate, who is responsible for its content.

A veteran and grandfather for peace, Eugene Ruyle is the Peace and Freedom Party candidate in the15th State Assembly District, which runs from San Pablo and Richmond through El Cerrito, Kensington, Albany, Berkeley and North Oakland to Emeryville and Piedmont, and includes the campus of the University of California. Gene is a retired Anthropology professor who supports the Peace and Freedom Party Platform and Occupy Oakland. A Cal graduate, he wants to help build the movement to democratize and de-militarize the University of California as part of the larger movement to shut down the war machine, provide free education and health care for everyone, defend our personal freedoms, and protect our Mother Earth.
Given the rigged political system we have in the United States, it’s unlikely that anyone can defeat the incumbent, a popular liberal Democrat. Republicans don’t even bother to run. This provided an opportunity for Peace and Freedom activists like Mary McIlroy (9th State Senate District), Lee Chauser (33rd State Senate District), and Gene Ruyle to wage write-in campaigns, come in second and, under the new “Top Two” system of Prop 14, appear on the November ballot. As a candidate, Gene will be raising important issues that Democrats refuse to address. Unlike the Democrats who may throw us a few more crumbs, Peace and Freedom candidates want fundamental change:
End the Wars & Tax the Rich
Free Education & Health Care for All
Protect & Restore Our Mother Earth
However, electing a few socialists to the State Legislature won’t solve our problems, which will continue until workers and oppressed people around the world organize as a class, take possession of our Mother Earth and the machinery of production, abolish the capitalist system, and build a global socialist world. That’s why the Peace and Freedom Party advocates participation in mass organization and direct action in neighborhoods, workplaces, unions and the armed forces everywhere. Naturally, we urge everyone to register and organize in the Peace and Freedom Party.
Ditch the twin parties of Wall Street
Register, Vote, & Organize in the
Peace and Freedom Party
For info, call 510-428-1578 or email cuyleruyle – at –
League of Women Voters Smart Vote web page:
Project Vote Smart web page:
Contact Eugene Ruyle
Phone: 510 428-1578

Email: please use the form below to send an email
15th Assembly District
The 15th Assembly District includes portions of western Contra Costa and Alameda Counties from Hercules in the north to Piedmont and parts of Oakland in the south. For a much higher quality map that you can zoom in on, click here. For a larger image of this map, click here.